
Showing posts from March 20, 2022

Spread Love & Peace: Power Is Transient

  If you hold an office, you’ll never know your true estimation until you leave that office or are relegated. If all Superior officers, Managers, political office holders- elected and appointed- etc understood that the office will outlive the officeholder, maybe they will behave better. People are showing you respect today because of your office and not because of your person. It is when that office leaves you or you leave that office that you will know your true worth and what people think about you. That is why you should never be carried away by accolades. Be careful when people praise you too much. Be careful of your coterie of aides. You’re their pot of soup and they’ll do anything to keep you. Don’t confuse their loyalty to their own personal interests with loyalty to you. A man in private or public office does not make new friends. Power allures. Power attracts. But power is fluid. The pictures of previous office-holders adorning the walls of your office should tell you a story.